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Setting up your local development environment


The easiest way to get started with local development is to use docker-compose up. This will start a postgres container, our web frontend, an API server, and our content fetching microservice.

Requirements for development

Omnivore is written in TypeScript and JavaScript.

  • Node -- currently we are using Node.js v14.18
  • Chromium -- see below for installation info

Running the web and API services

1. Start docker-compose

git clone
cd omnivore
docker-compose up

This will start postgres, initialize the database, and start the web and api services.

2. Open the browser

Open http://localhost:3000 and confirm Omnivore is running

3. Login with the test account

During database setup docker-compose creates an account, password: demo_password.

Go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser and choose Continue with Email to login.

Frontend Development

If you want to work on just the frontend of Omnivore you can run the backend services with docker compose and the frontend locally:

docker-compose up api content-fetch
cd packages/web
cp .env.template .env
yarn dev

Running the puppeteer-parse service outside of Docker

To save pages you need to run the puppeteer-parse service.

1. Install and configure Chromium

brew install chromium --no-quarantine
export CHROMIUM_PATH=`which chromium`

2. Navigate to the service directory, setup your env file, and install dependencies

cd packages/puppeteer-parse
cp .env.example .env

3. Start the service

yarn start

This will start the puppeteer-parse service on port 9090.

In your browser go to http://localhost:3000/home, click the Add Link button, and enter a URL such as

You should see a Chromium window open and navigate to your link. When the service is done fetching your content you will see it in your library.