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Sync all your reading to Logseq

Omninove integrates with Logseq via the logseq-omnivore plugin. The plugin allows for customizing the data synced from Omnivore to Logseq, controlling the layout of the data, and the sync frequency.


Setting up the Omnivore Logseq plugin

  • Search the Logseq Marketplace for Omnivore and install the plugin
  • In your browser open and create an API token (see API for more info on creating a token)
  • In Logseq open the Omnivore Plugin Settings, and paste your API key

Customizing which data is synced from Omnivore to Logseq

Logseq Sync Filter

The Omnivore Logseq plugin offers three options for which data is imported:

  • import all my articles: This will import every article you save to Omnivore and the labels (tags), highlights, and notes you have added to the article.
  • import just highlights: This will import every article you have saved that has highlights
  • advanced: This allows you to define a search filter to import. For example, import just Newsletters by using label:Newsletter.

Controlling the layout of the data imported to Logseq

The Omnivore Logseq plugin uses the mustache template language to define how imported data is saved to Logseq. The plugin settings allow you to define the template for a article layout and the highlight layout. The default templates will be used if you do not define your own.

Mustache template language

Mustache is a simple and logic-less templating language that allows you to create templates that are easy to read and maintain. Mustache templates consist of tags, which are placeholders that are replaced with actual values when the template is rendered.

There are several types of Mustache tags, including:

  • {{ variable }}: Renders the value of a variable.
  • {{# section }} ... {{/ section }}: Renders a section of the template if the value of the section is true, such as an array or an object.
  • {{^ inverted section }} ... {{/ inverted section }}: Renders a section of the template if the value of the section is false.
  • {{! comment }}: Adds a comment to the template, which is ignored when the template is rendered.

In addition to the basic Mustache tags, there are also several built-in Mustache functions that you can use in your templates, such as:

  • {{# list }} ... {{/ list }}: Renders a section of the template for each item in a list.
  • {{^ emptyList }} ... {{/ emptyList }}: Renders a section of the template if a list is not empty.
  • {{& variable }} or {{{ variable }}}: Renders the value of a variable without escaping HTML characters.
  • {{> partial }}: Renders a partial template, which is a reusable template that can be included in other templates.

Variables available to the article template

  • title: The title of the article * (required)
  • omnivoreUrl: The URL of the article in Omnivore * (required)
  • siteName: The name of the site the article was saved from
  • originalUrl: The URL of the original article
  • author: The author of the article
  • dateSaved: The date the article was saved to Omnivore in your perferrred date format with double brackets around it, for example [[2021-01-01]]
  • description: The description of the article
  • labels: A list of labels attached to the page
    • name: The name of the label, for example Newsletter
  • note: The note attached to the article
  • type: The type of page, for example ARTICLE or FILE
  • datePublished: The date the article was published in your perferrred date format with double brackets around it, for example [[2021-01-01]]
  • dateRead: The date the article was read in your perferrred date format with double brackets around it, for example [[2021-01-01]]
  • rawDatePublished: The date the article was published in your perferrred date format
  • rawDateRead: The date the article was read in your perferrred date format
  • state: The state of the article, for example READING or COMPLETED
  • wordsCount: The number of words in the article
  • readLength: The length of time it took to read the article in minutes
  • dateArchived: The date the article was archived in your perferrred date format

Default article template:

collapsed:: true
site:: {{#siteName}}[{{{siteName}}}]{{/siteName}}({{{originalUrl}}})
author:: {{{author}}}
labels:: {{#labels}}[[{{{name}}}]] {{/labels}}
date-saved:: {{{dateSaved}}}
date-published:: {{{datePublished}}}

Variables available to the highlight template

  • text: The text of the highlight
  • labels: A list of labels attached to the highlight
    • name: The name of the label, for example Newsletter
  • highlightUrl: The URL of the highlight in Omnivore
  • dateHighlighted: The date the highlight was created in your perferrred date format with double brackets around it, for example [[2021-01-01]]
  • rawDateHighlighted: The date the highlight was created in your perferrred date format
  • note: The note attached to the highlight
  • color: The color of the highlight, for example yellow
  • positionPercent: The position of the highlight in the article as a percentage
  • positionAnchorIndex: The position of the highlight in the article as an index/page number

Default highlight template:

> {{{text}}} [⤴️]({{{highlightUrl}}}) {{#labels}} #[[{{{name}}}]] {{/labels}}

{{#note.length}}note:: {{{note}}} {{/note.length}}

Function map for both article and highlight templates

  • lowerCase: Converts a string to lowercase
  • upperCase: Converts a string to uppercase
  • upperCaseFirst: Converts the first character of a string to uppercase

Example of using a function in a template to convert the state of an article to lowerCase:

state:: [[{{#lowerCase}}{{state}}{{/lowerCase}}]]

Importing the Full Article Content

Full content import does not work for PDFs

Import the full content of the article in Markdown format into Logseq by selecting "syncContent" in the plugin settings.

Sync articles into a specific Logseq page

By default, Omnivore will sync articles into a Logseq page called Omnivore. You can change this by unchecking isSinglePage and changing the pageName to {{{title}}} or {{{date}}} in your settings. For example, if you want to sync articles into the journal, you would use {{{date}}} as the pageName.

Scheduled Sync

By default, Omnivore does not automatically sync your data. You can enable scheduled sync by entering a number of minutes in the Frequency setting. For example, if you enter 60, Omnivore will sync your data every hour and you can always turn it off by entering 0.

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